First(ish) Trailer for Battle of BackYard!

Today is a big day for us at Orion Belt Games—we’ve just released our first (kind of first) public trailer for Battle of BackYard… and it feels like we’ve been working toward this moment forever, and I’m so excited to finally share it with You.

Enhancing Unity: Colored Hierarchy and Custom Icons

Staying organized and efficient is crucial. As a gamedev, I’ve often struggled with cluttered hierarchy in Unity, making it difficult to find and manage game objects. This not only slows down productivity but leads to frustration.

BoBY: Cutscene system

In Battle of BackYard, there exists a Photo Mode allowing players to adjust camera position, orientation, and parameters such as Depth of Field, Aperture, etc.

Since the game needs to enable players to create cutscenes (mission editor), I’m faced with the task of building the most “blocky” system possible, which will be easy to use and, at the same time, relatively simple to understand and utilize.